To whom that all regisitered in the 6th ICAEA web site, submitted any paper or wants to participate in the conference, please kindly note for finalization of your registration or submitting your requests, you shall check the registration fee, transfer the required fee to the following bank account number (SHABA) in IRI Central Bank and send the payment tracking number to
Important notes:
*Please include your full name, payment amount and tracking number in your e-mail.
*The title of e-mail shall be one or any combination of following depending on your registration type:
Payment-Participation, Payment-Participation and Paper submitting, Payment-Participation and workshops, Payment-holding workshops
*The e-mail address shall match the e-mail address you registered with, otherwise it will be disregarded.
*The workshop tarifs will be announced later.
Paper Acceptance from
2022-05-22Submitting Papers Deadline
2022-10-08Conference Participants Registration Start
2022-10-23Conference Participants Registration Deadline
2022-11-11IT University of Copenhagen
EA and AI: State of the Art
Maynooth University of Ireland
Architecting the Digital Enterprise
General Manager at the Open Group (India)
Harnessing the Power of Architecture Through Public Digital Platforms and Ecosystems