1. Click on the "Register" button in the login section on the right side of the site.
2. Fill in the required information in the membership form and click on the "Register" button at the bottom of the form. Please note that the registration fee for the conference is determined based on the selected registration group (after registration and login, it is possible to change it from the "My Profile" section).
3. After registeration and logging inot your account by entering your email and password and clicking on the "Login" button, you can access the various features of the system, such as registering for the conference, submitting an article and paying the fees.
4. If you have registered in the previous conferences, you can log in using your former username (e-mail) and password.
5. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password via the "Forgot Password" option below the login section.
6. In order to register for the conference and workshops, you should select the desired items from the "Services" section and pay for them in the "Billing and Payment" section.
Paper Acceptance from
2022-05-22Submitting Papers Deadline
2022-10-08Conference Participants Registration Start
2022-10-23Conference Participants Registration Deadline
2022-11-11IT University of Copenhagen
EA and AI: State of the Art
Maynooth University of Ireland
Architecting the Digital Enterprise
General Manager at the Open Group (India)
Harnessing the Power of Architecture Through Public Digital Platforms and Ecosystems