National Conferences on Advances in Enterpise Architecture are being held annually since 2017 with the cooperation of enterprise architecture laboratories located in universities across the country and with the support of public and private organizations and companies, with the aim of creating a platform for presenting and exchanging the latest research, educational and experimental achievements of researchers, specialists, students and stakeholders in this field. The first conference was held at Shahid Beheshti University, the second at Shiraz University of Technology, the third at Sharif University of Technology, the fourth at Tehran University, the fifth at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, the sixth conference at Shahid Beheshti University and the seventh at ICT Research Institute.
The 8th session of the conference will be held on the 23th and 24th of October 2024, focusing on the evolution of the future horizons of organizational architecture with the perspective of artificial intelligence and data science, hosted by Tarbiat Modares University (Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering). All public and private organizations and companies, universities and institutions of higher education, researchers, specialists and all activists and interested in the fields related to organizational architecture are invited to accompany us by participating in the conference and its side events and share their research, experiences and opinions. benefit
Conference Registration Start
2024-08-22Papers Submission Deadline
2024-09-21Workshop proposals deadline
2024-09-27Booth request deadline